During a transformative 7+ year tenure with a leading brand,,
I spearheaded a comprehensive Vision-Mission-Value (VMV) exercise that shaped the company’s future trajectory.
Here’s what made it impactful:
1. Inclusive Approach: We gathered insights through questionnaires, interviews, with the Leaders and stakeholders, and an all-employee survey.
2. Leadership Alignment: An offsite with the management team ensured buy-in and collective ownership.
3. Action-Oriented: This wasn’t just a theoretical exercise. We used our VMV to craft a robust 3-year roadmap.
The result?
A clear direction that resonated with every employee and drove our strategic decisions.
Why is a VMV exercise crucial for your organization?
– Provides a shared purpose
– Guides decision-making at all levels
– Shapes company culture
– Attracts like-minded talent
– Aligns efforts across the organization
If you’re interested in learning more about how to craft a meaningful vision, mission, and values for your organization, feel free to drop a DM.